Trek Announces Summer Competition!

15 June 2010  |  
Trek Announces Summer Competition! Trek Announces Summer Competition! - Second Image

In recognition and appreciation to all those customers who have bought a Trek Session, Trek World Racing is holding a competition to find two lucky winners who will be flown out to Chatel (France) to join the Trek World Racing riders at their annual TWR Summer Camp.

The TWR Summer Camp runs through the first 10 days of July this year, and takes place in one of the coolest riding spots on the planet, Chatel. TWR have an awesome chalet (pictured), and two lucky winners will be joining our riders Justin Leov, Andrew Neethling and Neko Mulally, for some great riding, as well as having their bikes tweaked and serviced by the professional TWR mechanics.

What do the 2 competition winners receive?

  • Free return air travel from anywhere in Europe, to Geneva Airport. Travel to Geneva will be Wednesday July 7.
  • Transport to and from Geneva Airport to Chatel.
  • Two nights free accommodation in the TWR Chalet, including all meals.
  • Two days riding with our world cup star athletes.
  • Servicing and tweaking of your prized Session bike!
  • Free TWR team t-shirt as a souvenir of your time with us.

How do you enter?

  • Firstly, you must be a current owner of a Trek Session.
  • Secondly, simply send us a picture of you with your bike, and write in 100 words or less, why you love your bike and what it would mean to join the TWR Summer Camp. The heading of your email must be "TWR Summer Camp Competition".
  • Finally, all entries must be sent by email to [email protected] and be received by June 25th.
  • 2 lucky winners will be selected based on their submission, and will be notified by email on June 27th.

The return travel date of July 9 is optional. If you wish to stay out in France riding longer, we can arrange that your return flight is for a later date, but your transport to Geneva Airport from Chatel, and any accommodation or meals after check out on the 9th, will be your responsibility.

Enter now to join TWR in France!

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